Rubanga Forest, a hidden gem nestled within the boundaries of Lake Mburo National Park, is a fascinating natural feature and attraction waiting to be discovered. It is an integral part of the park’s intricate ecosystem, offering an array of activities for visitors to this compact yet captivating park. Among these activities, forest exploration in Rubanga stands out as a remarkable experience.
Rubanga Forest is a haven for approximately 40 bird species, often referred to as forest birds, making it a haven for birdwatchers. Some of the forest’s avian residents include the green pigeon, harrier hawk, double-toothed barbet, shoebill stork, the narina trogon, and the grey-backed camaroptera. Access to the forest, whether for birdwatching, nature walks, or research, is contingent upon prior arrangements with Uganda Wildlife Authority officials at Lake Mburo Park headquarters.
If you have a penchant for primate watching in Lake Mburo National Park, then Rubanga Forest is the prime area to explore. Notable primate species include Olive baboons, Black and white colobus monkeys, Vervet monkeys, and occasionally, the Red-tailed monkey.
Park rangers recommend embarking on this activity around mid-morning, as early mornings and late evenings can be rather challenging due to mosquito activity.
During your walk in Rubanga Forest, anticipate encountering a vibrant avian population, providing a symphony of birdcalls amidst the refreshing ambiance of the forest. However, the presence of primates may vary, depending on the fruiting season, resulting in a potentially low turnout of these fascinating creatures.
Discover the natural wonders of Rubanga Forest through guided walks, where every step unveils the captivating beauty of Lake Mburo National Park. Contact us today to arrange your immersive Rubanga Forest experience.